Rule set that matches an element, which includes a float value, a max-height value, and an overflow value of scroll, triggers complete page blankness (forced Standards Mode), or Compatibility View fallback

This issue was first pointed out to me by Hilbrand Edskes; what you're viewing is simply a reduced test case

This test case demonstrates IE8 RTW's inability to display any content on a page (forced Standards Mode) that includes a rule set that matches an element, which includes a float value, a max-height value, and an overflow value of scroll. If Standards Mode isn't forced (i.e either by the appropriate META element or HTTP header), IE8 RTW will fallback to Compatibility View.

This is a major bug, even we ignore the best outcome of falling back to Compatibility View; more and more authors are forcing Standards Mode on either their pages or their entire site. As the test case demonstrates, if Standards Mode is forced on a page that includes a rule set described above that matches an element, IE8 RTW won't display any content on that particular page - this means content which is outside the scope of the rule set, too!

View Test Case - in IE8 RTW, you'll see a completely blank page