Archive for November, 2011

Two major Views related bugs in Drupal 7

Whilst some might interpet the somewhat pessimistic RC1 status of Views 7.x-3.x as a bit of a turn-off, the module is actually pretty solid; from what I can remember, the upgrade path is the only thing stopping the module from advancing in maturity further, for the time being.

There are however, a couple of pretty major bugs that have come about from changes outside the module itself:

Theme preprocess functions which attempt to add template suggestions, aren’t invoked

I managed to find this bug pretty quickly, since it’s standard procedure from a theming perspective, to abstract processing logic from markup. It appears that the problem originates from a change to the theme registry, where you can’t specify template suggestions from a preprocess anymore, rather than traditionally invoking them from theme().

Barring actually patching core, there doesn’t seem to be an elegant solution for the time being. As an interim solution, I decided to use a preprocess function that doesn’t try to invoke a template suggestion (i.e preprocess_views_view()), and use a switch() to target individual Views.

views_get_view_result() doesn’t return Field API field values

This is a pretty major issue; put simply, when using views_get_view_result() to return values from a View, values from any non-core fields won’t be rendered.