Bring back float-displace

Although I was already aware of this property’s existence, I was unaware that it had been removed from later iterations of css3-box – that was, until the related issue was brought up recently on www-style.

To me, float-displace is another good example of a property (another being box-sizing) introduced in CSS3 that aims to ‘patch’ a logical failing present in previous CSS revisisons. The current behavior can be described as, the indented edge (caused by a margin value) of the in-flow element isn’t preserved between the margin-edge of the float and the content-edge of the in-flow element; this creates the following pit-falls:-

  1. It’s completely counter-intuitive for authors who aren’t already aware of this limitation
  2. The only real workaround to this limitation is to apply a margin value (which equals the indentation of the in-flow element) to the floated element, thus emulating this indentation.

From an author’s perspective, it’s perfectly acceptable to assume that the indented egde of the in-flow element will be preserved upon encountering a float.

I have no idea what the reasoning behind removing this property from the current revision was, but am keen to find out.

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