
From June up until a few weeks ago, I took an immediate break for web-related work. The aim of this post is to provide a brief update of my goings on between June and present.

IE8 Bugs

I’m discovering (and people are writing in about) bugs in IE8 on a fairly regular basis at the moment, although that regularity has obviously decreased significantly since the RTW version was released. Astonishingly, there’s still a significant (around 40-50%) percentage of bugs that are regressions from IE7, which I guess goes to demonstrate the insufficient regression testing program used in IE8.  More so, the nature of some of the reported bugs [1][2][3][4][5] go to demonstrate how quirky and broken IE8 actually is; these aren’t straightforward spec violations – these are some very serious quirks akin to the severity of bugs found in a beta release.

Why Microsoft still haven’t removed statements claiming full CSS 2.1 support from their PR material, is beyond me. It’s astonishing to think that Microsoft thought that they could get away with publishing these blantant lies; even if IE8 didn’t have any CSS bugs/spec violations (which is essentially near impossible in itself), we still don’t have an which is one of the criterion required to demonstrate interoperability.

CSS 2.1 testsuite

I recently became a to the CSS 2.1 testsuite, and have been busy submitting many of the test cases used to demonstrate bugs in IE8. It’s of the upmost importance that every conceivable area of the specification is covered, so that we end up with a concise test suite – feel free to , if you’d be willing.

New domain

Since idreamincode.co.uk was only ever meant to be temporary, I decided to purchase the domain name, jhop.me. I’ve always been a fan of acquiring an ‘exotic’ country-code TLD, so I decided to go for a .me. I’ve been careful to preserve legacy links, but if you spot a link that is broken, please get in touch.

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