Euuurrggghhh! What’s going on in Safari 3.1?

Just noticed this…

….and this font-size inconsistency (Safari 3.1 overlaying FF, both in OSX

Look’s like a couple of regression bugs as they certainly weren’t there in 3.0- think I’ll need to come up with a test case or two.

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  1. Gilbert said on:

    It looks OK in 3.1 on Windows.

    Perhaps it’s choking on the empty #sidebar {} ?? and the placement of your * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } seems odd.

    Any user stylesheets enabled?

    Have you tried using Eric Meyer’s reset stylesheet at the beginning and then building it up element by element from there?

  2. Gilbert said on:

    Sorry to double post, but I just seen the behaviour you describe.

    It doesn’t seem to occur in the header on the home page, but when I comment, it appears on these pages. Hope that helps get you closer to the solutions.

  3. said on:

    Thanks Gilbert for the suggestions.
    I’ll try and come up with some test cases over the weeked, and I’ll update this post with my findings.